CLIFF: Command Line Interface Functional Framework ยป Tutorial

The code discussed in this tutorial can be found here.


CLIFF is on OCICL and I'm trying to get it added on Quicklisp. Otherwise, just clone the source code out to your QuickLisp or ASDF local projects directory. At the moment, you'll probably want to clone NRDL out to that directory as well, since it's a dependency of CLIFF.

Up and Running

This is a CLI framework/library for the impatient, so let's make a CLI tool in Common Lisp really fast.

We'll make a CLI math calculator.

;;; calculator.lisp -- A CLI calculator.
;;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Daniel Jay Haskin
;;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

(in-package #:cl-user)

  #:com.djhaskin.calc (:use #:cl)
    A CLI calculator.
  (:import-from #:com.djhaskin.cliff)
    (#:cliff #:com.djhaskin.cliff))
  (:export #:main))

(in-package #:com.djhaskin.calc)

(defun main ()

We just made a CLI tool.

This is what happens when we run it:

* (main)
Welcome to `calc`!

This is a CLIFF-powered program.

Configuration files and, optionally, environment variables can be set
using NRDL, a JSON superset language. Output will be a NRDL document.
More information about NRDL can be found here:

Options can be given via:
  - Configuration file, as in `{ <option> <value> }`
  - Environment variable, as in `CALC_<KIND>_<OPTION>`
  - Command line, as in `--<action>-<option>`

Configuration files are consulted first, then environment variables, then
the command line, with later values overriding earlier ones.

Configuration files can be in the following locations:
  - A system-wide config file in an OS-specific location:
      - On Windows: `%PROGRAMDATA%\calc\config.nrdl`
        (by default `C:\ProgramData\
      - On Mac:   `/Library/Preferences/~A/config.nrdl`~%\config.nrdl`)

calc      - On Linux/POSIX: `/etc/calc/config.nrdl`
        (by default ~/.config/calc/config.nrdl)`
  - A home-directory config file in an OS-specific location:
      - On Windows: `%LOCALAPPDATA%\calc\config.nrdl`
        (by default `%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\calc\config.nrdl`)

      - On Mac:   `~/Library/Preferences/calc/config.nrdl`
      - On Linux/POSIX: `${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/calc/config.nrdl`
        (by default ~/.config/calc/config.nrdl)`
  - A file named `.calc.nrdl` in the directory `/home/skin/Code/djha-skin/calc/`
    (or any of its parents)
Options can be set via environment variable as follows:
  - `CALC_FLAG_<OPTION>=1` to enable a flag
  - `CALC_ITEM_<OPTION>=<VALUE>` to set a string value
  - `CALC_LIST_<OPTION>=<VAL1>,<VAL2>,...` to set a list option
  - `CALC_TABLE_<OPTION>=<KEY1>,<VAL1>=<KEY2>,<VAL2>=...` to set
     a key/value table option
  - `CALC_NRDL_<OPTION>=<NRDL_STRING>` to set a value using
     a NRDL string
  - `CALC_FILE_<OPTION>=<FILE_PATH>` to set a value using the contents
     of a NRDL document from a file as if by the `--file-*` flag
  - `CALC_RAW_<OPTION>=<FILE_PATH>` to set a value using the raw bytes
    of a file as if by the `--raw-*` flag

Options can be changed or set on the command line in the following ways:
  - To enable a flag, use `--enable-<option>`.
  - To disable a flag, use `--disable-<option>`.
  - To reset any value, use `--reset-<option>`.
  - To add to a list, use `--add-<option> <value>`.
  - To set a string value, use `--set-<option> <value>`.
  - To set using a NRDL string, use `--nrdl-<option> <value>`.
  - To set using NRDL contents from a nrdl document from file,
    use `--file-<option> <url>`.
  - To set using the raw bytes of a file, use `--raw-<option> <url>`.

  - For `--file-<option>` and `--raw-<option>`, URLs are also supported:
      - `http(s)://user:password@url` for basic auth
      - `http(s)://header=val@url` for a header
      - `http(s)://token@url` for a bearer token
      - `file://location` for a local file
      - `-` for standard input
    Anything else is treated as a file name.

The following options have been detected:
Documentation not found.

No action exists for the command.

    status successful

CLIFF generated a generous help page for us. Since we didn't tell it to do anything, it figured it should print the help page.

First, let's compile our program into an executable image and run main as the entry point. There are lots of ways to do this. On SBCL, the typical tool of choice is save-lisp-and-die, like this:

  :toplevel #'main
  :executable t
  :compression t
  :save-runtime-options t)

Then from the command line:

$ calc

We get the same output as before.

Open World Configuration

CLIFF is a different kind of CLI framework. It assumes what we'll call an "open world" configuration. It defines a correct format for options to appear in configuration files, the environment, and the command line, and gathers them as it sees them. This frees the developer from having to over-specify their command line options when just starting out. It also enables some interesting workflows where the developer can pass the options hash table down to lower libraries, which may or may not expect certain options set in the table.

Since we didn't tell it to do anything yet, it just prints the help page in addition to what it finds. This part of the output shows what options have been found:

The following options have been detected:

Looks like it didn't find anything. Let's help it find some options.

Now let's add some options:

$ calc --enable-floating-point

When we run this, CLIFF's help page prints this at the bottom:

    floating-point true

It's printing out that big nested hash table of options it finds, but in NRDL, a JSON superset data language designed to work well for configuration files and as well as command line output for programs written in lisp. It was specially built to power CLIFF.

The equivalent alist might be


Cool. Let's try to add more options.

export CALC_LIST_OPERANDS=1,2,3,4,5
export CALC_TABLE_NAMES=plus=+,minus=-,times=*

The help page now shows this:

    floating-point true
    names {
        minus "-"
        plus "+"
        times "*"
    operands [

Notice that the operands are added as strings. This is true of most options added to the options hash table via command line arguments or environment variables. However, there is a workaround: using --nrdl-* on the CLI or the CALC_NRDL_<thing> environment variable.

To demonstrate this, we run our command with a --nrdl-* option as follows:

export CALC_NRDL_OPERANDS=[1,2,3,4,5]
./calc --nrdl-divisors '{"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3}'

Doing so yields this output at the end of the help page:

    divisors {
        "one" 1
        "three" 3
        "two" 2

The user can specify any option in this way, even if the program doesn't use it. This way, the command can take some options verbatim and pass it on, print it out, return it, or change it in arbitrary ways. This open-world assumption of options allows the program to compose better with libraries and other programs.

The Options Tower

CLIFF gathers options for the calling code tool (in this case calc) from configuration files, environment variables, and command-line flags. It merges what it finds from various sources into one single, nested hash table. The various sources comprise what we will call the Options Tower.

Let's add something from a configuration file now. CLIFF looks in the present working directory, as well as an OS-dependent, home-based location, which is printed out in the help page.

Let's make a file corresponding to the "home directory" option. Make a file called ~/.config/calc/config.nrdl(on Linux) and put the following content in it (if you are on a different OS, consult the help page above):

    floating-point-size double
    scale 11
    name-of-calculation "fizzle"
    calculations [
          operands [
          operator +
          operands [
          operator *

Now we run ./calc and it yields this output:

    calculations [
            operands [
            operator +
            operands [
            operator *
    floating-point-size double
    name-of-calculation "fizzle"
    scale 11

Now we add a file called .calc.nrdl in the current directory with this content:

  flaoting-point false
  sumall true

Now when we run ./calc, we see that it sees these options:

    calculations [
            operands [
            operator +
            operands [
            operator *
    floating-point false
    floating-point-size double
    name-of-calculation "fizzle"
    names {
        minus "-"
        plus "+"
        times "*"
    operands [
    scale 11
    sumall true

Note the sumall key we added in .calc.nrdl and the floating-point key. The floating-point key was true in the home config file, but was overridden in the current directory config file. Now, CLIFF looks both in the present working directory and all its parents, and uses the file it may or may not find as an override to the home directory config file, which serves as a base.

Let's say we want to override the scale key with environment variables. We set CALC_NRDL_SCALE=10(we use NRDL to ensure that, as a number, it is parsed).

Now we see that scale is 10 in the output.

To override environment variables, set command line flags.

To see this, we will call calc with an option override for set-name-of-calculation:

./calc --set-name-of-calculation dizzle

We see that name-of-calculation is set to "dizzle" in the printed out help page.

Sweet. We have a bunch of options. Our app observes 12-factor goodness by default, checking for config files, environment variables, and even harvesting options for us from the command line, all without us having to write much.

Add a Default Function

Now let's do something with this information. Right now the command just prints out a help page when the command line tool is called. Change the lisp file which calls execute-program and add a default function, like this:

;;;; calculator.lisp -- A CLI calculator.
;;;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Daniel Jay Haskin
;;;; SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

(in-package #:cl-user)

  #:com.djhaskin.calc (:use #:cl)
    A CLI calculator.
  (:import-from #:com.djhaskin.cliff)
    (#:nrdl #:com.djhaskin.nrdl)
    (#:cliff #:com.djhaskin.cliff))
  (:export #:main))

(in-package #:com.djhaskin.calc)

(defparameter operators
    `(("+" . ,#'+)
      ("-" . ,#'-)
      ("*" . ,#'*)
      ("/" . ,#'/)))

(defun calc (options)
  (let* ((result (make-hash-table :test #'equal))

         (operands (cliff:ensure-option-exists :operands options))
         (operator (cliff:ensure-option-exists :operator options))
         (func (cdr (assoc operator operators :test #'equal))))
    (setf (gethash :result result)(apply func operands))
    (setf (gethash :status result) :successful)

(defun main ()
      :default-function #'calc)))

We have some changes here in calculator.lisp from our original listing.

First, we create a new function called calc. It takes one argument, options, which will be that hash table of options we have been discussing building.

It calls cliff:ensure-option-exists on specific options that it expects to be present in the hash table. This function ensures a particular key exists in the hash table, and if it doesn't, it signals an error.

We then set it as the :default-function when we call cliff:execute-program.

We also add sb-ext:exit and set :code as the return value of cliff:execute-program to ensure the exit code is propogated to the OS.

Now we compile and run our program:

$ ./calc
        |Abnormal exit error
    missing-option operands
    status cl-usage-error
$ echo $?

We see that a :cl-usage-error error has been signaled and that the command returned a non-zero status code corresponding to the type of error signaled. The error is printed to standard output in the form of a NRDL document.

In fact, by default, everything CLIFF prints out will be in the form of a NRDL document, though as we'll see, this can be turned off. This default is to enable CLIFF to fulfill its mission: just plug a few functions into CLIFF, and it'll handle the rest. I/O is all taken care of by default, in a human-friendly machine readable format.

Let's call ./calc again, with operands and an operator.

Because CLIFF doesn't care where it gets its options, we can mix and match where they come from. In our example, we'll say that we pretty much always want calc to use + as an operator, unless we want to override it. We'll put that in our configuration file, and specify the operands on the CLI.

We put this in our .calc.nrdl in the current directory:

    operator "+"

And then we call ./calc:

$ ./calc --nrdl-operands '[1,2,3,4]'
   result 10
   status successful

String Conversion

Next, we observe that specifying operands might be more convenient if they were specified one at a time, like this:

./calc --add-operands 1 --add-operands 2 --add-operands 3 --add-operands 4

If we run that though, we get an error:

$ ./calc --add-operands 1 --add-operands 2 --add-operands 3 --add-operands 4
    error-datum "\"4\""
    error-expected-type "NUMBER"
        |The value
        |  "4"
        |is not of type
        |  NUMBER

    status data-format-error

Calc doesn't know what "type" arguments are when they are specified on the command line, so it assumes they are a string. We can see this when we run

./calc help --add-operands 1 --add-operands 2

The help page shows what calc actually sees:

The following options have been detected:
    operands [
    operator [

It shows our default operator, but it also shows our operands as a list of strings.

If we expect that our operands will always be specified on the command line rather than the environment or via config file, we may wish to check for strings and convert them to non-strings if possible.

To allow for this, CLIFF provides :setup and :teardown optional arguments to execute-program. The :setup function takes an options map and return a modified version. This is the version which the main logic functions will see. The :teardown function takes the map that the main logic functions create, changes or creates a new version based on it, and returns that. This modified map will be what CLIFF sees when it starts to try to wrap up the program.

These functions provide a lot of power in terms of what we can do or how we can interact with CLIFF.

To accomplish the string to number transformation, we add a :setup lambda:

(defun main (argv)
    :default-function #'calc
    :cli-arguments argv
    :defaults '((:operator "+"))
    :setup (lambda (options)
             (let ((operands (gethash :operands options)))
               (setf (gethash :operands options)
                     (map 'list #'parse-integer operands))

Then we recompile and run again:

$ ./calc --add-operands 1 --add-operands 2
    result 3
    status successful

The downside is that operands would need to be specified as strings if there ever were a need to put them in a configuration file, but if the target audience typically uses the command line to specify the arguments, then maybe this is a good trade-off.

Provide Command-Line Aliases

It feels bad to make the user punch in --add-operands for every operand. We would like to enable a single letter for that option, so we will add a CLI alias for it using execute-program's optional :cli-aliases option:

(defun main (argv)
    :default-function #'calc
    :cli-arguments argv
    :defaults '((:operator "+"))
    '(("-h" . "help")
      ("--help" . "help")
      ("-o" . "--add-operands"))
    :setup (lambda (options)
             (let ((operands (gethash :operands options)))
               (setf (gethash :operands options)
                     (map 'list #'parse-integer operands))

Note, we also added --help and -h aliases.

CLI Aliases are simple substitutions. If CLIFF sees what is specified as a key in the alist on the command line, it will replace it with the value.

CLIFF provides a `help` subcommand, but not a `--help` or `-h` option. Providing these aliases will help the user if they don't know what to do.

We also added the `-o` alias to mean `--add-operands`.

Now we can recompile and run with the new, nice shorter arguments:

$ ./calc -o 1 -o 2 -o 3
    result 6
    status successful

Override Default Output

The main mission of CLIFF is to enable users to write potentially pure functions, and hook them up to the command-line, configuration files, and the environment using execute-program so that the function can just do what functions do best: compute. In order to fulfill its mission, it provides default output, which is simply printing the result hash table returned by the command function in NRDL format.

However, if more control over output is desired, it is easy to take back control.

We first add :suppress-final-output t to the call to execute-program:

(defun main (argv)
    :default-function #'calc
    :cli-arguments argv
    :defaults '((:operator "+"))
    '(("-h" . "help")
      ("--help" . "help")
      ("-o" . "--add-operands"))
    :setup (lambda (options)
             (let ((operands (gethash :operands options)))
               (setf (gethash :operands options)
                     (map 'list #'parse-integer operands))
    :suppress-final-output t))

We also add a format call to our calc function:

(defun calc (options)
  (let* ((result (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
         (operands (cliff:ensure-option-exists :operands options))
         (operator (cliff:ensure-option-exists :operator options))
         (func (cdr (assoc "+" operators :test #'equal)))
         (out (apply func operands)))
    (format t "~A~%" out)
    (setf (gethash :result result) out)
    (setf (gethash :status result) :successful)

Now our output is much simpler:

$ ./calc -o 1 -o 2 -o 3

Also, the CLI aliases we defined were added automatically to the help page:

$ ./calc help
The following command line aliases have been defined:

      This                                     Translates To
        -h                                              help
    --help                                              help
        -o                                    --add-operands

Add Subcommands

As a means of demonstration, we will add different calculation operators (multiply, divide, add, subtract) as subcommands and get rid of the default action, ensuring the command run with no subcommands will print the help page.

All we need to do is provide an alist mapping different collections of subcommands with different functions, where the functions expect an option table and return a result table.

First, we'll add some additional operators:

(defparameter operators
    `(("+" . ,#'+)
      ("-" . ,#'-)
      ("*" . ,#'*)
      ("/" . ,#'/)
      ("&" . ,#'logand)
      ("%" . ,(lambda (&rest args)
                    (quotient remainder)
                    (apply #'truncate args)

For demonstration purposes, we'll create some functions that just set the operator and then pass execution into our previously created calc function:

(defun programmer-and (options)
  (setf (gethash :operator options) "&")
  (calc options))

(defun modulus (options)
  (setf (gethash :operator options) "%")
  (calc options))

Then we just add these new functions as subcommands:

(defun main (argv)
    `((("programmer" "and") . ,#'programmer-and)
      (("modulus") . ,#'modulus))
    :default-function #'calc
    :cli-arguments argv
    :defaults '((:operator "+"))
    '(("-h" . "help")
      ("--help" . "help")
      ("-o" . "--add-operands"))
    :setup (lambda (options)
             (let ((operands (gethash :operands options)))
               (setf (gethash :operands options)
                     (map 'list #'parse-integer operands))
    :suppress-final-output t))

Not the :subcommand-functions argument above. It maps collections of subcommands to the function that should be called when that subcommand is specified.

After compiling again, we can now do this:

$ ./calc programmer and -o 1 -o 3
$ ./calc modulus -o 3 -o 5

Add More Help Documentation

CLIFF is pretty good at adding general documentation around the option tower, but not really around each individual function.

Specifying the default function's help is pretty easy, just give a string argument to the :default-func-help option. Specifying help strings for the different subcommands are likewise easy; just give an alist that map subcommand strings to help strings in the :subcommand-helps option:

(defun main (argv)
    `((("programmer" "and") . ,#'programmer-and)
      (("modulus") . ,#'modulus))
    ((("programmer" "and") . "Sets the operator to )&`")
      (("modulus") . "Sets the operator to %")
    :default-function #'calc
      "Welcome to calc.~%"
      "This is a calculator CLI.~%"
      "The default action expects these options:~%"
      "  operand           Specify operand~%"
      "                    (may be specified multiple times)~%"
      "  operator (string) Specify operator~%")
    :cli-arguments argv
    :defaults '((:operator "+"))
    '(("-h" . "help")
      ("--help" . "help")
      ("-o" . "--add-operands"))
    :setup (lambda (options)
             (let ((operands (gethash :operands options)))
               (setf (gethash :operands options)
                     (map 'list #'parse-integer operands))
    :suppress-final-output t))

Now running ./calc help shows the default function help:

$ ./calc help

Welcome to calc.

This is a calculator CLI.

The default action expects these options:
  operand           Specify operand
                    (may be specified multiple times)
  operator (string) Specify operator

Likewise, running ./calc help modulus and ./calc help programmer and return their respective helps at the bottom of the help page:

Documentation for subcommand `modulus`:

Sets the operator to `%`
Documentation for subcommand `programmer and`:

Sets the operator to `&`


We have created a fully-functional CLI tool. It is a 12 factor app that looks in config files, the environment, and the command line for its options and merges them together. We have easily been able to add commands, subcommands, and documentation for them. We have also shown how we can have simpler arguments on the command line.